covidGuideLine-Agragamee Sangha

All AGS members, guests and staff and students must strictly follow Club rules and COVID-19 related protocols. Attending Club premises and interacting with members and staff involves risk of infection. Before choosing to attend the Club, each member must assess such risk for themselves and consult with their doctor where appropriate. Parents and legal guardians must also make informed and responsible decisions in consideration of the risks faced by the children in their care.


  • The AGS COVID-19 Waiver is located here.  Please print, sign and deliver to Front Desk prior to your session.  This only has to be done once by member or guest. 

General Safety

  • Members and staff cannot enter if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (have not recovered or are still within the required 14-day quarantine), had symptoms of COVID-19 (within the last 24 hours), or had contact with a person who has or is suspected to have COVID-19 (within the last 14 days).
  • All players must wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after play. BETC will have hand sanitizing stations throughout the facility, but we encourage you to also bring and use your own hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Face Coverings – Face coverings are required at all times in the facility, including during play.

Social Distancing – Social distancing of at least six feet is required at all times.

Closed Areas – The following areas and services will be closed or not available during the current phase of our reopening.

  • Locker room area and showers. Restrooms and sinks will remain open but please arrive “ready to play.”
  • Member lounge and viewing areas
  • Water fountains except bottle fillers

Fitness/Gym/Functional Training Room Guidelines

  • Masks must be worn at all times.
  • All fitness members must make a reservation as capacity will be limited
  • No guests will be allowed right now
  • The fitness rooms are for people exercising and not for congregating or meeting

Court and Ball Safety

  • No handshakes, high fives, fist bumps, etc.
  • Avoid switching sides or partners during play
  • Students are required to sanitize hands before touching tennis balls during lessons.
  • Please take anything that you brought to the Club with you when you leave. This includes tennis balls, empty bottles, other garbage, etc.

Court Reservations

  • Check-in required at Front Desk with temperature scan.
  • Court Entrance – please use the main door on the north end of the tennis building
  • Court Exit – please use the exits on the east side of the tennis building
  • Enter the Club no more than 5 minutes before your reservation or lesson and depart immediately after play.
  • Please be respectful of court times and be prepared to leave your court before the next time begins. Please avoid all socialization during court time changes.
  • Reservations must be made online or by calling the Front Desk.

Pro Shop

  • Drop-off and pickup of racquets for stringing will be contactless and members must have a credit card on file or sufficient funds on their Loyalty Card.
  • o Demo racquets will not be available.

Spectators / Parents

  • Club usage will be limited to individuals playing or taking lessons only. Parents with children in lessons or renting courts are allowed one adult to supervise during play (mask, temperature and social distancing requirements apply).
  • Players, parents and children will not be allowed to roam the facility.

Private Lessons

  • Pro and student(s) must wash or sanitize their hands before and after the lesson.
  • Pros will give further safety instructions prior to the start of the lesson.
  • Lessons will end five or more minutes early to minimize contact and allow Pros ample time to sanitize their teaching stations.
  • Private groups and monthly classes are limited to 5 participants.
  • Pros will be assigned their own teaching cart, ball hopper and sanitizing supplies.
  • Physical distancing of 10 feet required between students and Pros.

USTA Leagues 

  • Home teams should provide a roster to the Front Desk prior to play.
  • Guest teams must sign our COVID Guest Waiver located at the Front Desk or on our website. The team captain must call the Front Desk to complete one credit card transaction for the entire team.

Additional Measures we are taking to keep you safe at the club

  • Janitorial/cleaning services will be provided daily. Cleaning products are CDC-approved for COVID-19.
  • Touchpoints will be sanitized throughout the day.
  • Additional hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the facility.

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